Role of the immune system in diabetec kidney disease

This is an ongoing project.

Faculty Researcher: Mariela Mendez

Contact Details

Mariela Mendez


This project involves primary cell model of kidney cells. It investigates the cross-talk between immune cells and kidney cells in the progression of diabetic kidney disease.

Students involved in this project will have the opportunity to learn:
1- Renal Physiology
2-Basics of Cell isolation and cultures
3-Western Blots
6-Imaging quantification
7-Data analysis
8-Graphing data
9-Writing abstract and Meeting Presentations skills
8-Introduction to Basic Research Career Progression


Mendez Bio

Mariela Mendez is an Assistant Scientist in the Division of Hypertension and Vascular Research, Henry Ford Hospital and FTA-Assistant Professor in the Department of Physiology, Wayne State University.
Mendez earned her MS in Biochemistry from University of Cordoba, Argentina (1998) and her doctorate in Pharmacology from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina in 2005. Mendez has been an American Physiological Society, American Heart Association and American Society of Nephrology member since 1999. Currently she contributes to the Editorial and peer review processes for the American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology since 2011. Past leadership roles include TAC AHA. Dr. Mendez’s honors include numerous awards for outstanding research such as the Renal Research Recognition Award. Renal Section (2014); Caroline tum Suden/Francis A. Hellebrandt Professional Opportunity Award, Committee on Women in Physiology. American Physiological Society (2011); Finalist for the Excellence in Renal Research Award for post-doctoral fellows. American Physiological Society (2010) and NIH/NHLBI FOCUS/PRIDE programs for Advanced Early-Stage Investigators (2019). Mendez’s doctorate training focused on understanding the role of prostaglandins in remodeling and cardiac infarction and a concentration on the pathobiology of hypertension, from heart to kidney, and from molecule to whole animal models. Her current independent research focus on understanding the molecular mechanisms of renin biology and release, utilizing cellular, biochemical, imaging, genetic, molecular biological and whole animal physiology in experimental models of hypertension and diabetes. Her research has been funded by the American Heart Association, National Kidney Foundation and the National Institute of Heath. As a Hispanic Minority, he has received honors including a Minority Travel Award. American Physiological Society-(2013) and a Grant for New Investigators to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (NIH-NIDDK RO3 2015-2019).

Project Timeline

Enrolling in this project Lab/Project will require a minimum commitment of at least 1 semester and 8-16 hrs weekly to guarantee a successful experience and learning progress.


We will meet and together we will design a plan catered to each students personal interests within the scope of our research.

Project-related Tags

Last Updated

June 3, 2024