International Military Intervention Effects on Rebellions

This project is closed.

Faculty Researcher: Frederic Pearson

Contact Details

Frederic S Pearson


We are developing a resubmitted proposal to the National Science Foundation and other sponsors for a project on the effects of outside military interveners on rebel groups in civil conflict situations. This would involve researching and adding these effects to our existing International Military Intervention (IMI) Data Base in the Interuniversity Consortium on Political Science Research. The existing data consider intervention effects on the conflict outcome but not specifically on the identity and fate of the insurgent groups. This would require researching all of the interventions favorable to rebel factions in our existing cases (from 1946 to 2010), and determining in each case which rebels received the support. The rebel groups would be assigned nonstate actors codes in the IMI dataset.


We seek undergraduates with both interest and coursework in international or comparative politics, and a solid academic record in Political Science or History. Some familiarity with conflict studies would be helpful.

Project Timeline

November 2020 to August 2021


Consulting with the faculty research team both at Wayne State, East Carolina, and Kansas State Universities to learn the coding procedures for parties to the conflict listed in IMI, and providing regular progress reports on the cases of interventions directed at rebels.

Last Updated

October 7, 2020