The Effect of Animal-Assisted Intervention (AAI) on Graduate Students’ Perceptions of Well-being: Insights from Occupational Therapy

This project is closed.

Faculty Researcher: Christine Kivlen

Contact Details

Christine Johnson


The investigator is interested in understanding the effect of therapy dogs on graduate students' well-being. Data collection will begin during the Fall, 2019 semester. For students able to dedicate considerable time to this project during weekdays, paid stipends are available.


general understanding of basic research terminology and a love for animals

Project Timeline

June 2019 - December 2020


There are varying levels of experience required for many duties in this project. I encourage you to contact me and I will work with you to select a role that would work best. In your contact, please let me know if you would be comfortable working with therapy dogs. Additionally, there are paid responsibilities available beginning Fall 2019.

Last Updated

June 21, 2023