Charles Klahm


Faculty Profile

Associate Professor


Criminology & Criminal Justice

Secondary Title

Policing scholar




Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice

Wayne State University

656 Walter Reuther Mall

Room 3253 FAB

Detroit, MI 48202

Selected publications

Klahm, Charles, Benjamin Steiner, and Benjamin Meade. (2017). Assessing the Relationship Between Police Use of Force and Inmate Offending (rule violations). Crime & Delinquency, 63(3), 267-295.

Wu, Yuning, Charles Klahm, and Nada Atoui. (in press). Fear of Crime among Arab Americans in a Culture of Fear. Ethnic and Racial Studies.

Klahm, Charles and Rob Tillyer. (2015). Rethinking the measurement of officer experience and its role in traffic stop searches. Police Quarterly, 18(4), 343-367.

Donovan, Kathleen and Charles Klahm (2015). The Role of Entertainment Media in Perceptions of Police Use of Force. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 42(12), 1261-1281.

Research Description

Police decision-making, police use of force, traffic stop outcomes, methodology, fear of crime, criminal justice policy

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