Lisa Marchiondo

Faculty Profile

Research Description

In the Marchiondo Lab, we research three major topics and their intersections:

Workplace Mistreatment: We study low-intensity forms of mistreatment at work, such as incivility (or "rudeness") and interpersonal discrimination, typically from the target's perspective. In addition, we study targets' meaning-making of these experiences, including their cognitive appraisals and causal attributions.

Diversity: We are interested in the workplace experiences of various populations, including older employees, women, and racial minorities. For instance, we study the manifestation and consequences of age discrimination against older employees at work. We also investigate intersectionality of one's identities.

Employee Success, Leadership, and Well-being: The lab addresses employee well-being (occupational, mental, and somatic outcomes) following experiences of mistreatment and discrimination. We are also conducting multiple projects on the intersection of leadership and diversity. For example, we study women's pathways to and challenges attaining leadership positions and career advancement.

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