Hernan Garcia

Faculty Profile

Associate Professor




 Manoogian Hall 319


Hernán Manuel García earned his Ph.D. in Latin American Literature and Culture at the University of Kansas in 2011. At WSU he is an Associate Professor of Spanish in the Department of CMLLC where he teaches courses in contemporary Mexican literary, film and cultural studies. Before joining the faculty at WSU he was Visiting Assistant Professor at University of Missouri-Kansas City. 

Selected publications

La globalización desfigurada o la post-globalización imaginada: Hacker en la estética cyberpunk (post)mexicana. México: Ediciones Eón, 2019 (Forhtcoming).

“Texto y contexto del cyberpunk mexicano en la década del noventa”. Alambique: Revista Académica de Ciencia Ficción y Fantasía. 5.2 (2018): Article 5. 

“Hacia una poética de la tecnología periférica: Post-cyberpunk y picaresca 2.0 en Sleep dealer de Alex Rivera”. Revista Iberoamericana LXXXIII. 259-260 (Abril-Septiembre 2017): 327-344.

“Carne eres y en máquina te convertirás: El cuerpo post-humano en La primera calle de la soledad de Gerardo H. Porcayo”. Polifonía Scholarly Journal. 4.1 (2014): 4-24.

“Tecnociencia y cibercultura en México: Hackers en el cuento cyberpunk mexicano.” Revista Iberoamericana LXXVIII.238-239 (Enero-Junio 2012): 329-348.


Research Description

I teach courses in contemporary Mexican literary, film and cultural studies. My research focuses on issues of globalization, technology, cyberculture, posthumanism and their relationship with current cultural and identity processes in Mexico.

My current book project studies how users of technology in Mexican cyberpunk narrative, film and performance offer a singular insight to analyze technology as power since hackers draw all their knowledge, strategies and tools from the system in which they operate. The study proposes the hacker character as a metaphor to illustrate the contradictions between high-tech modernity and underdevelopment in Mexico during the so-called information age.

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